Insight into your competitors in the Fruit & Veg industry

Jeroen Lustig
Published on
February 14, 2022

In a rapidly evolving agri-food industry, the ability to use data in a way that benefits you will help you stay relevant and win in the marketplace. But with all the data available today, where should you start? 

Companies that incorporate data as an asset are winning in their market. Join other front runners in the fruit & vegetable industry and learn how Best Fresh group, an exporter of fruits and vegetables, uses the Performance Monitor to benchmark against competitors.

A-INSIGHTS spoke with Martijn de Graaf. De Graaf is Managing Director of Farmhouse International, a business established in 2013 that focuses on exotic fruit and vegetables. De Graaf: 

"I prefer to do things a little differently than the competition, so if I know what the competitors are doing, I also know what they aren’t doing."

The need to benchmark in the fruit & vegetable industry

As is the case with many other businesses, the need to back up the company’s performance with figures increased. De Graaf: “Our CFO advised us to compare our figures with a certain benchmark. Through word of mouth, we came into contact with A-INSIGHTS and learned about the possibilities of the Performance Monitor. We decided to start working with A-INSIGHTS right away.” 

Gain insight into the market and your competitors with the Performance Monitor

De Graaf: “We use the Performance Monitor to compare our results with other parties and to investigate how other players performed in a certain period and whether we are on track to achieve our goals.”

The insights from the Performance Monitor enable Best Fresh Group to determine its strategy for the future. De Graaf: “By combining market knowledge with the data insights from A-INSIGHTS, you will get a clear picture of what's going on in the marketplace and how you are performing compared to your peers.”

3 benefits of working with the Performance Monitor

  • Enrichment of information and translation of data into actionable insights
  • Objective insights to help the development of strategic goals and ambitions
  • Know where you stand in comparison to your competitors

Curious how A-INSIGHTS helped Best Fresh Group gain more insight? Read the case study and learn more about the benefits of the Performance Monitor.

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